Sturdy construction with PMP (TPX) material
makes these beakers both sturdy, with excellent
chemical resistance and gives it glass like. Large
strong handles make it safe for handling of acids,
alkalies and other dangerous solutions.
Retort stand is used to attach clamp that holds
test tubes and other equipment like burenes.
It is used for titration, distillation and
filtering of samples. It is available in both
central and side holes. Base of the stand is
PP and the rod either SS or is coated in PE.
Set volumes accurately for exact measurements in lab
applications with these flasks. Tarsons Class A PMP
Volumetric Flasks feature a single calibration mark
that defines the calibrated volume exactly.They have
tollerance as per DIN EN ISO 1042 class A,with imprinted
lot no & certificate. They have standard NS PP Stoppers.
Material: PMP(*TPX) /PP confirming to US FDA 21