Suitable for standard slide sizes, the design makes it easy to load
and dispense slides. Users can effortlessly turn the wheel to dispense slides.
Material: ABS/PC
Triple Vent Radiation Sterile: Vented dishes have elevated lid
which allows for good gas exchange and encourage
evaporation. This design is useful when the poured dishes are
to be used as soon as possible. The design of the dish
maintains sterility because the particles would have to go up
and over the dish wall to get inside which is very rare in normal
airflow. PS confirming to US FDA 21 CFR.
Non Vented Radiation Sterile: Non vented dishes have lid which fits flatly
on the base resulting in less potential for external
contamination and significantly less evaporation rate. PS
confirming to US FDA 21 CFR.
Aseptic Petridish: These are manufactured in clean room
under aseptic conditions which ensures no contamination.
Extremely high sterility assurance SAL 10-3_ They are particulate
free, free of chemical residues, which usually results in false
negative readings. Eliminates discolouration and stress caused
by radiation sterilization. PS confi rmi ng to US FDA 21 CFR.
Petridish triple vent extra depth radiation sterile: Extra
depth is advantageous in plant tissue cu lture. PS confirming to
Tarsons Ria Vials are polypropylene /polystyrene tubes
generally used in Radioimmuno Assay-a scientific method
used to test antigens. Amber vials provide good protection
for light sensitive samples from 270 mm to 600 mm.
Tarsons Ria Vials PP are autoclavable while PS tubes are